
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Pelosi Vows to Stand With Obama Against Catholic Church; Says Decision Forcing Catholics to Act Against Faith Was ‘Very Courageous’ |

Nancy Pelosi is standing behind the Obama Administration's decision to force Catholic institutions to provide health insurance plans that cover sterilizations and artificial contraceptives, including those that induce abortions.

Click the link below for the entire article:

Pelosi Vows to Stand With Obama Against Catholic Church; Says Decision Forcing Catholics to Act Against Faith Was ‘Very Courageous’ |


  1. So, let me get this right, we can't have a nativity in the public square because of the so-called (not in the constitution) separation of church and state but Obama can impose his will upon Catholics? while muslims do not have to comply with any of Obamacare? And he chooses to invoke Jesus which quote by the way had nothing to do with taxes but referred to PERSONAL involvement and charity and taking care of others. There is nothing in Jesus' teachings that says we are obligated to give money to the government to take care of others. This is the collective conscience they want us to digest. BTW, lay this at the feet of the catholic church with not advising the parishioners that they could not, if their conscience was in alignment with christian doctrine, vote of any pro-abortion candidate. Because the church did not remind people this is the situation we find ourselves.

  2. I can't speak for all parishes, but my parish did remind us about not voting for pro-abortion candidates. However, some sent him unsigned notes telling him he was wrong. So after the end of the following Sunday mass he told us, that although the Church can't tell us who to vote for, it CAN tell us HOW we should vote. What I lay at the feet of the Church, is the Church allowing repeated disobedience to Catholic doctrine by politicians with there being no consequences, such as denial of the Holy Eucharist, or excommunication. So why would the Church expect Pelosi and other Catholic politicians to listen now?
