
Friday, May 04, 2012

Obama Fails on Human Rights - Linda Chavez - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1

The following excerpts are from the article, "Obama Fails On Human Rights" by columnist Linda Chavez:

  • The Obama administration's record on human rights, never strong, just got a whole lot worse. This week's dramatic saga of Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng's escape from house arrest in Shandong province to safety inside the U.S. Embassy to the embassy's role in handing him over to Chinese authorities is a disgraceful tale. Once again, the Obama administration has chosen to put human rights violations on the back burner, as it has nearly every time it has been asked for help, whether from Iranian protesters in 2009 or Syrian freedom fighters today.
  • Chen's fate was complicated by the arrival in Beijing of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Wednesday. U.S. diplomats seemed eager to shove Chen out the embassy door before the two Obama officials began their strategic and economic talks with Chinese leaders. It was clear the administration found Chen's asylum seeking embarrassing.

Click below to read more:

Obama Fails on Human Rights - Linda Chavez - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1

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