
Friday, July 27, 2012

America edging toward confrontation on religious freedom, Archbishop Chaput warns : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

The following excerpt is from Catholic Culture's Catholic World News. Emphases are mine:
  • Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia delivered an urgent call for Catholics to take action to protect the American tradition of religious freedom, in a July 26 address to the Napa Institute in California.
  • The archbishop questioned whether America has “crossed the Rubicon” on religious-freedom questions, reaching a point at which political confrontation is inevitable. Without answering the question directly, he challenged the members of his audience to answer for themselves.
  • Catholics have always shown a deep love for the US, and the hierarchy has supported the country fully, Archbishop Chaput said. “So if the bishops of the United States ever find themselves opposed, in a fundamental way, to the spirit of our country, the fault won’t lie with our bishops. It will lie with political and cultural leaders who turned our country into something it was never meant to be.”

Read more by clicking below:

America edging toward confrontation on religious freedom, Archbishop Chaput warns : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

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