
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

British Ethicists Approve '3-Parent Babies' to Prevent Rare Disease | Daily News |

The following excerpts are from an article by Celeste McGovern on National Catholic Register:
  • LONDON — A banned in vitro fertilization technology that uses two women and one man to create embryos could soon be legalized following an endorsement from a group of six British ethicists.
  • A working group of the London-based Nuffield Council on Bioethics issued a report in June stating that it would be “ethical” for scientists to mingle genetic material from three people in order for some couples to have their own genetic offspring without passing on a rare, heritable form of mitochondrial disease that can be “severe and debilitating.”
  • Critics of the controversial report call it “Frankenstein” technology that uses “emotional blackmail” — sad but uncommon circumstances — to justify technologies that will inevitably lead to genetic engineering — tampering with the human genome to “enhance” and select for certain characteristics that will be passed from generation to generation.
  • As well, there is a growing body of evidence that the same IVF technology used to avoid disease is itself a cause: Children born using IVF techniques to have significantly higher rates of birth defects.

Read more by clicking below:

British Ethicists Approve '3-Parent Babies' to Prevent Rare Disease | Daily News |

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