
Friday, July 06, 2012

Computer Woes---Again

My computer (which is 7 + years old) is acting up... again. 

I installed a new hard drive about 3 weeks or so ago, and reinstalled the operating system, but....alas, poor Compaq.....I knew it well.

Anyway, it is essentially on life support as I type this. How much longer it will last, I am not sure, but I don't think it will be too much longer. It has more wrong with it than is worth repairing.

So, tomorrow, my day off from work will be spent scheduling as many posts for the Daily Mass Readings blog as I possibly can. If it survives, and allows me to, I will also schedule as many posts for the Saint Quote of the Day blog too.

So, please keep me in your prayers, and if you can, please make a donation by clicking the "Donate" button on the upper right sidebar of the blog. It will help me with my living expenses, and hopefully enable me to buy a new computer so I can keep the Faith of the Fathers blogs all up and running.

And just for those who have wondered, my internet service is free, as my landlady allows me to connect to her ISP wirelessly.

Also, if anyone has any information about assistance for individuals needing cataract surgery in North Carolina, I would greatly appreciate it if you would pass any information my way. You can email me at

Thanks for all of your much needed prayers and support!

May God bless you and Our Lady keep you in her care!

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