
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Family’s three sons follow each other into Catholic priesthood | follow, milwaukee, brotherly - BROTHERLY CALLING - Appeal-Democrat

The following excerpt is from Appeal-Democrat:
  • When Luke Strand started college nine years ago, he wanted to earn a marketing degree, a job in the business world, then a house and children.
  • Now he’s a priest and that’s not all. His brother, Vincent, is on his way to being ordained a Jesuit priest and their youngest brother, Jake, was ordained in the spring.
  • The family calling is remarkable at a time when fewer men, especially in the U.S., are choosing the Roman Catholic clergy. More than 3,200 of the 17,800 U.S. parishes don’t have resident priests, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University. As of last year, the total number of priests in the U.S. had decreased 14 percent from 2000.

Read more by clicking the link below:

Family’s three sons follow each other into Catholic priesthood | follow, milwaukee, brotherly - BROTHERLY CALLING - Appeal-Democrat

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