
Monday, September 24, 2012

Bishop's Office Uses Obama Backer to Instruct Catholic Voting |

The following excerpts are from
  • The office of a Catholic bishop in the battleground state of Ohio is coming under criticism from pro-life groups for having a staffer who publicly supports pro-abortion President Barack Obama instruct Catholics on how to vote.
  • While, last week, referring to President Barack Obama, Archbishop Chaput said he couldn’t vote for someone who is pro-abortion, the office Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon is downplaying the importance of pro-life issues in the presidential election.
  • Lennon’s office his holding “Faithful Citizenship” meetings purportedly designed to aid Catholics in properly forming their consciences according to the truths of the Catholic faith, which would then guide them in voting on the presidential election. Central among these truths in an election year is the Catholic Church’s teaching that intrinsic evils — actions that are fundamentally and in every circumstance morally wrong, like abortion — may never be supported by faithful Catholics.
  • In fact, the Catholic Church terms abortion a “non-negotiable” issue, one which is a serious sin to endorse or promote in any way.
Read more by clicking below:
Bishop's Office Uses Obama Backer to Instruct Catholic Voting |

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