
Monday, September 24, 2012

Chick-fil-A has made ‘no such concessions’ to the gay agenda: Dan Cathy denies media reports |

The following excerpts are from
  • CHICAGO, September 24, 2012, ( – After a Chicago alderman claimed last week that Chick-fil-A had agreed not to fund pro-family organizations, the fast food chain’s president Dan Cathy has set the record straight.
  • “Chick-fil-A made no such concessions, and we remain true to who we are and who we have been,” he said in a statement posted on Mike Huckabee’s website on Friday.
  • Last week, First Ward Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno, who has been opposing Chick-fil-A’s attempts to open a franchise because of Cathy’s traditional marriage views, claimed that the Christian business had agreed that its philanthropy arm, the WinShape Foundation, would no longer support organizations that oppose redefining marriage. The news was widely reported in the mainstream media as a major “victory” for the pro-homosexual movement.
  • However, the pro-family organization MassResistance told in an e-mail that a spokeswoman for the fast food chain specifically said the foundation would continue to fund the Family Research Council, Exodus International, Eagle Forum, and Focus on the Family, among others.
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Chick-fil-A has made ‘no such concessions’ to the gay agenda: Dan Cathy denies media reports |

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