
Monday, September 10, 2012

Iranian Pastor Freed From Death Row, But Worries Persist About His Safety |

The following excerpts are from
  • ( – Supporters of Youcef Nadarkhani are celebrating the news that the Iranian pastor who was sentenced to hang for embracing Christianity has been acquitted and freed. 
  • They are urging prayers for his safety in the aftermath of a case that has raised greater awareness of shari’a-based apostasy laws in Iran and other Islamic countries. They also note that many other religious minority Iranians face discrimination and mistreatment for their beliefs.
  • Nadarkhani, in his early 30s, walked free after almost three years behind bars, following a six-hour court appearance Saturday ended with his acquittal on apostasy charges, according to reports reaching organizations that have publicized his plight, including the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) and Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW).
  • CSW cited sources as saying that Nadarkhani was found guilty of an alternative offense, evangelizing Muslims, and given a three-year sentence – but with that time already having been served, he was released.
Read more by clicking below:
Iranian Pastor Freed From Death Row, But Worries Persist About His Safety |

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