
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NBC Chief Medical Editor: 'If You're Anti-Abortion, You Should Be Anti-Pregnancy' | Media Research Center

The following excerpts are from Media Research Center:
  • During the Today's Professionals segment on Tuesday's NBC Today, chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman applauded New York City schools handing out morning-after contraception pills to teenage girls without parental consent: "Parents aren't going to like to hear this, but teenagers are having sex....People want to be anti-abortion. If you're anti-abortion you should be anti-pregnancy....the reality is it's smart public health."
  • Co-host Matt Lauer teed up Snyderman: "Let's remember that schools have been offering condoms for years now. Is this the next logical step, Nancy?" Moments after Snyderman praised the "smart" policy, advertising executive Donny Deutsch chimed in: "To me, if this stops unwanted pregnancies, this is a no-brainer, it's a fantastic idea."
Read more by clicking below:
NBC Chief Medical Editor: 'If You're Anti-Abortion, You Should Be Anti-Pregnancy' | Media Research Center

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