
Monday, September 10, 2012

New British Health Minister Promotes Assisted Suicide |

The following excerpts are from
  • MP Anna Soubry was appointed a health minister in a reshuffle earlier this week and she is already drawing the ire of pro-life groups with her comments promoting assisted suicide.
  • Soubry told the Times it was “ridiculous and appalling” that Britons had to “go abroad to end their life.” She said she opposes euthanasia but claimed “you have a right to kill yourself.”
  • “I think it’s ridiculous and appalling that people have to go abroad to end their life instead of being able to end their life at home,” she said. “You can’t say to a doctor or a nurse, ‘Kill this person’ but…. you have a right to kill yourself. The rules that we have about who we don’t prosecute allow things to happen but there’s a good argument that we should be a bit more honest about it.”
  • The Department of Health is reported to have said that Mrs Soubry’s comments, and similar comments by Norman Lamb MP, another health minister, were personal views not government policy, and that the issue of assisted suicide was not one for the Department of Health. The Department of Justice is reported to have said that the government has no plans to change the law and that assisted suicide law reform was a matter for Parliament.
Read more by clicking below:
New British Health Minister Promotes Assisted Suicide |

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