
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

UPDATE: Democrats re-insert God into platform amidst booes: still call for tax-funded abortion |

The following excerpts are from
  • CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, September 5, 2012 ( - After the Democratic party’s decision to remove the last reference to God in the party platform sparked negative media coverage this week, delegates at the Democratic National Convention passed a revised platform that included the Almighty - but not without considerable controversy.
  • A voice vote took place Wednesday evening on the updated platform, which also included new pro-Israel language; but when Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, the chair of the session, first called for the vote, he appeared confused when a considerable portion of the delegates shouted “nay,” making the vote inconclusive.
  • Villaraigosa then called for a second voice vote, which was also inconclusive. After calling for a third vote, which also appeared to have the delegates divided, Villaraigosa declared that the “ayes” had the needed two-thirds majority, a decision that was greeted with loud boos from those opposed to the revision.
Read more by clicking the link below:
UPDATE: Democrats re-insert God into platform amidst booes: still call for tax-funded abortion |

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