
Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Blessed John Henry Newman, a Great Teacher of the Faith | Daily News |

The following excerpts are from The National Catholic Register, the article is written by my good friend Father Juan R. Vélez:
  • On Oct. 11, the Church begins the Year of Faith called for by Pope Benedict XVI to encourage the faithful to seek spiritual renewal and a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith in response to the grave crisis of faith in the contemporary world.
  • One tried-and-true way to learn more about our faith and progress with spiritual renewal is to read the lives of the saints, teachers of the faith who, through their example and word, nourished both their contemporaries and Christians of future generations.
  • Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890), an Anglican convert to Catholicism and later a cardinal, is one of the great modern teachers of the faith. Through a diligent study of the Scriptures and the Fathers of the Church, Cardinal Newman pursued the truth wherever it led him. His intellectual honesty and courage led him to give up the prestige he enjoyed at Oxford University in order to convert to the Roman Catholic Church in 1845. 
Read more by clicking below:
Blessed John Henry Newman, a Great Teacher of the Faith | Daily News |

Opus Dei Father Juan Vélez is the author of Passion for Truth, the Life of John Henry Newman (TAN/St. Benedict’s 2012).
Formerly a board-certified internist, Father Vélez writes from San Francisco.

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