
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Catholics for Choice" Leader Claims to be Faithful Catholic |

The following excerpts are from (about another CINO out shoveling the bovine excrement):
  • With Election Day a week away, it’s no surprise that Obama’s Catholics are engaging in the art of speaking Catholic nonsense.
  • First, and most notably, our nation’s first Catholic Vice President, Joe Biden, who rather pathetically, yesterday, had to release a video reminding voters that he is a “practicing Catholic.”
  • Biden, however, only receives our B+ grade for the audacity of his dishonesty, while the A+ goes to the president of “Catholics for Choice”. In an article from the Oct. 30 Chicago Sun-Times, which looks like it belongs in the Style section rather than the news, Jon O’Brien calls himself a “real traditionalist.”
  • O’Brien, for any who may not know, replaced Frances Kissling at the helm of a “Catholic” group that promotes abortion and contraception to a mainstream media who lap it up. (The US Catholic Bishops have formally declared, several times, that O’Brien’s group is NOT a Catholic organization.)
  • O’Brien speaks with the firm conviction of a Humpty Dumpty without shame: “I believe in the totality of Catholic teaching, and that includes the right to dissent and freedom of conscience.”
Read more by clicking below:
"Catholics for Choice" Leader Claims to be Faithful Catholic |

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