
Monday, October 15, 2012

Why the Little Sisters of the Poor Oppose the HHS Mandate | Daily News |

The following excerpts are from National Catholic Register:
  • As more lawsuits over the Department of Health and Human Services’ contraception mandate are filed, many religious groups still remain temporarily exempt from the rule as they wait for answers.
  • Sister Constance Veit directs the publications office for the Little Sisters of the Poor, one of these groups waiting and hoping for relief from the HHS mandate. Between their 30 homes in the United States, the Little Sisters serve 2,500 elderly residents — enough to keep more than 300 sisters joyfully busy. The order is putting much effort into opposing this federal rule, and Sister Constance explains why.
  • How will the Little Sisters of the Poor be affected by the HHS mandate?
  • For the time being, we are not directly affected by the mandate. We have until the end of this year to provide certification that we meet the criteria for the one-year exemption currently in place. So, most likely, if nothing changes in the law, we will have to face this concretely Jan. 1, 2014.
  • Cardinal [Timothy] Dolan blogged about the HHS mandate and its impact on Catholic organizations and services. He is very clear about the costs of the mandate. For example, if we were to stop offering health insurance rather than comply with the mandate, we would have to pay a $2,000 penalty per employee. This penalty aside, it just does not seem right to us to stop providing health insurance to our employees.
  • If we chose to offer insurance without the objectionable services, we would honor our consciences, but we’d have to pay $100 per day per employee. As the cardinal figures it, for an organization with 50 employees, that would mean almost $2 million per year.
Read more by clicking below:
Why the Little Sisters of the Poor Oppose the HHS Mandate | Daily News |

1 comment:

  1. Tomorrow, October 20, Americans will rally against the HHS mandate in more than 140 cities around the country.

    Rally locations:

    Let’s all make our voices heard!
