
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Argentine Cardinal Bergoglio elected Pope Francis : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

The following excerpts are from Catholic Cultures "Catholic World News":
  • Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina has been elected Pope.
  • The new Pontiff, who chose the name Pope Francis, is the first Latin American ever to become Roman Pontiff, and the first Jesuit.
  • The Argentine cardinal was elected on the 5th ballot of the conclave, and white smoke appeared from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel just after 2 pm on Wednesday, March 13. More than an hour lapsed before Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, the senior cardinal-deacon, appeared on the central balcony of St. Peter’s basilica to make the traditional announcement: “Habemus papam!”
  • After another long pause the new Pope appeared, acknowledging the loud applause from more than 200,000 people packed into St. Peter’s Square. In his first remarks he led the crowd in prayers for Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI, then asked for prayers for himself before giving his Urbi et Orbi blessing.
Read more by clicking below:
Argentine Cardinal Bergoglio elected Pope Francis : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

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