
Friday, April 12, 2013

A Need

Once again, I must humbly ask for your prayers and assistance if possible. I have a power bill  due by April 24, that is over $370.00. I don't know where the money is going to come from. 

Last month, my power bill was over $417.00, and my landlady graciously allowed me to pay only one half of last months rent so that I would be able to pay THAT power bill. The other half of the rent will be paid over the next 2 months (that is this month and May).

So, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. I had my power disconnected almost one year ago, and I would like to avoid that scenario again, if at all possible. Not having lights is one thing, but I am also on a well, and would have no water without electricity. 

The good thing is, the weather has been very warm, and so I don't have to be concerned about heat right now, which is good because the home I rent has electric heat.

Anyway, please forgive my request, but I do especially covet your prayers, and would appreciate any assistance (even if it's just $1) or suggestions you might be able to offer.

Thank you, and may God Bless you all!

UPDATE: Thank you to those who have sent me donations through my PayPal donate button. Those donations have got the amount I need now to just under $300.00. Thank you again, and may God bless you all!

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