
Friday, May 31, 2013

SNAP leaders sought to squelch publicity on support for doctor in child-porn case : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

The following excerpts are from Catholic Culture's Catholic World News:
  • The founder and president of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) wrote a letter in favor of a Louisiana psychologist who was facing charges for child pornography, and urged SNAP members not to answer questions about the episode, The Media Report has disclosed.
  • In 2009, Barbara Blaine, the SNAP leader wrote to the Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners on behalf of Dr. Steve Taylor, urging the board not to suspend his medical license. Taylor eventually pleaded guilty to child-porn charges and was jailed; his medical license was suspended.
  • While Blaine’s involvement in the case has come to light in 2011, The Media Report has uncovered an internal SNAP memo from 2012, explaining Blaine’s support for Taylor and encouraging SNAP chapter leaders not to discuss the case. The SNAP memo tells members of the group that if questions about the Taylor case, “we’d recommend that you not respond.” The memo asks SNAP chapter officials to read and return the document, guarding against public disclosure.
[This is the same group that is supposedly supportive of those who allege to have been abused by priests. Can we say "hypocrites" here? Yeah, I think we should. Hypocrites.]

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