
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Catholic News Herald - Former Lutheran pastor converts to Catholicism - Catholic News from around the country and world

The following excerpts are from the Catholic News Herald of Charlotte, N.C. by reporter SueAnn Howell:

HENDERSONVILLE — Dr. Paul Cates is proof that you are never too old to follow your heart and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Cates, now in his 70s, is a doctor and former Lutheran pastor who is an avid reader and researcher. He and his son, Dr. Kirk Cates, are in practice together, working with patients who suffer from attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities.

Cates has also been active in homeschooling initiatives for more than 35 years and runs Faith Christian Ministries, where he is known as "homeschool's education doctor."
He will be the first to tell you that he's not one to shrug off the truth when it stares you in the face.

"I have been a pastor for 50-plus years. I have always believed in the Eucharist, that it is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ," Cates said. "I have always preached that and celebrated it as such."

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