
Thursday, December 05, 2013

I Am In Need of Your Prayers

Well, today turned out not to be such a good day. I went to work planning on working my 2-10 shift. I went and got my tray ready, snd took it up front so the cashier who was working couid close out her shift and go home.

I had actually gotten there earlier than usual, when I saw the pike of letters for the road sign. The boss had wanted the sign changed when the stock person came in at 4. Since it looked like rain, I decided to go ahead and change the sign before the rain arrived.

Anyway, I had finished changing the sign, and was getting ready to come down off the next to the top rung on the step ladder, when the ladder started falling to the right, tangling my feet in it, and I hit the ground with a solid “thud”.

I twisted my back in the fall, and according to the x-rays, managed to pull the muscles in the lumbar region of my back.

I have known people who hurt their backs before, but I had no idea pulling the muscles in your back could hurt to the point that it makes you dizzy and nauseated. No, I didn't hit my head. If I had hit my head with this old hard head, I wouldn't have gotten hurt. (I said it before anyone else could, so there!)

I will have to be out of work through Monday, when I go back to the doctor. My employer's workmen's comp is taking care of the doctor, emergency, and med needs.

I won't get paid for the day's out (there is no disability insurance), and I can't afford to miss, but have no choice.

So I would greatly appreciate your prayers at this time. Also, I won't be posting to the “Daily Catholic Mass Readings”, “The Pope And Church News”, or “Saint Quote of the Day” blogs for the next couple of days at least. I typed this before taking the pain killers and muscle relaxant's.

Thank you, and God Bless you all!


  1. praying for you and a fast recovery hugs

  2. Praying for a safe recovery! God bless!
