
Friday, February 28, 2014

Thanks, And A Bit More

I would just like to say thank you to everyone for your prayers, donations, and all your help in my recent situations.

Thank you also for your purchases of Mystic Monk Coffee from my links on my blogs, as well as your purchases from "Faith of the Fathers Catholic Gifts" (our online store powered by Zazzle), and for your visits to our other sponsors.

Speaking of Mystic Monk Coffee, I have a request. When you get ready to make your next purchase of Mystic Monk Coffee, I would appreciate it very much if you would come here and click on my links to Mystic Monk to make your purchases. I know the good monks send out emails once or twice a month informing customers of their special flavors, unique coffees like Monk Shots, and teas. When you click on my links to buy that special coffee or tea, you not only still get the specials, you also allow me to make a commission from the sale, and this helps me out a great deal.

If you could do that I would be very grateful!

May God Bless you, and Our Lady keep you in her care!

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