
Friday, May 02, 2014

Psst...Mother's Day Is Sneakin' Up On Ya!

Just in case you forgot (you didn't forget, did you?), Mother's Day falls on Sunday, May 11.

That's right. It's the time of year we all try to thank mom for giving us life....for sitting up with us when we were sick....bandaging those skinned knees....for being our chauffeur....for being our confidant....for straightening us out when we got out of line.

So, to help you show mom how much you appreciate her, you can give her something from Mystic Monk Coffee.

For instance, there is the Aurora Tea Gift Set. It come with Aurora Blend White Tea, Mystic Monk Blend Tea, and a stylish tea mug, all packed in a neat little pink basket (which mom can use for other things later).

If your mom loves flavored coffees, then the Amaretto flavored coffee may be just the ticket. The good monks have this to say about the Amaretto flavor:

Smooth and flavorful, our Amaretto flavor is full of almond nuttiness, and is especially good when made with cream and sugar.”

Amaretto is available in regular ground, whole bean regular, and in ground decaf.

If you can't decide what your mom would like from Mystic Monk Coffee, then give her something she will love. Give her a gift card from Mystic Monk Coffee. They are available in $15, $25, $50, $75, and $100. Then you can be sure that your mom gets exactly what she wants!

We can't ever pay our mom's back really. There is not enough time for us to really show her what she means. We need to try and show mom what she means to us while she's here. My mom is gone, but never a day passes without my thinking of her and missing her. I know she is in a far better place than we are, but I still wish she was here.

I know my mom would have loved getting Mystic Monk Coffee, because if ever there was a coffee fan, she was one. And she would have really liked knowing, that the purchase of Mystic Monk Coffee, helps to support the monastery of The Carmelite Monks of Wyoming.

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