
Friday, July 25, 2014

To Help With My Cataract Surgery

As regular readers of “Faith of the Fathers” blogs know from a previous post over a year ago here, I have cataracts in both eyes.

I also have no insurance, and my employer does not offer insurance, as I work for a very small company.

My eye sight is getting worse. I can tell a big difference since I posted the previous post referenced above. I especially notice the difference when driving at night, and even more so if it happens to also be raining.

I looked into what my surgery costs would be with 2 different eye surgeons (opthamologists), and have found out that it will be just over $4,000.oo per eye, and that this is for just the basic interocular lens (IOL) that will be used in the surgery. A multifocal lens replacement would be much more expensive. So basic is the way for me to go.

Since I do not have insurance, and no savings at all, I have decided to try the crowd funding site, GoFundMe. If any readers would like to contribute, I would be more than appreciative. I would be greatly appreciative as a matter of fact.

My GoFundMe page can be reached by clicking here.

If you are unable to make a donation, I would also be appreciative of your sharing the page with others.

I will also take all the prayers I can get! Prayer is always welcome, and certainly needed.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for your continued prayers and support as well!

May God Bless you all, and Our Lady keep you in her care!