
Monday, October 27, 2014 | Cardinal Burke sets record straight regarding major misrepresentation in earlier interview

The following excerpts are from

The following is a press release from Dignitatis Humanae Institute, whose word I trust implicitly. It is sad that BuzzFeed has caused such confusion on this matter with their misquote of Cardinal Burke. Pray for them.

Rome, 27 October 2014 — The Dignitatis Humanae Institute very much regrets having to take this unprecedented action to highlight an injustice done by a certain news organisation against Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, the President of its Advisory Board.

The DHI was approached by BuzzFeed to arrange an interview with Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signature, which it willingly did. This is the now-notorious interview in which Cardinal Burke accused Pope Francis of having harmed the Church. Only the Cardinal never said any such thing.

Here is what Cardinal Burke actually said:

I can’t speak for the pope and I can’t say what his position is on this, but the lack of clarity about the matter has certainly done a lot of harm.”

What BuzzFeed reported:

According to my understanding of the church’s teaching and discipline, no, it wouldn’t be correct,” Burke said, saying the pope had “done a lot of harm” by not stating “openly what his position is.”

Read more by clicking below: | Cardinal Burke sets record straight regarding major misrepresentation in earlier interview

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