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Thursday, March 22, 2012

North Carolina bishops criticize Obama statement on marriage amendment : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

The following is an excerpt from Catholic Culture News Headlines:

  • “Last week, President Barack Obama took the unusual step of commenting on a state ballot initiative,” Bishops Michael Burbidge of Raleigh and Peter Jugis of Charlotte said in response. “His stated opposition to the referendum on the marriage amendment in North Carolina is a grave disappointment, as it is reported to be the first time that the President has entered into this issue on the state level, further escalating the increasing confusion on the part of some in our society to the very nature of marriage itself … While we are respectful of the Office of the President, we strongly disagree with [his] assessment.”
Click the link below to read the entire article:

North Carolina bishops criticize Obama statement on marriage amendment : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

IRAQ Series of attacks in Iraq, dozens of dead. Church of St Mathew in Baghdad targeted - Asia News

IRAQ Series of attacks in Iraq, dozens of dead. Church of St Mathew in Baghdad targeted - Asia News

Mothers/Lawyers Launch Petition Against Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate – 20,000 Signatures So Far | has an article entitled “Mothers/Lawyers Launch Petition Against Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate – 20,000 Signatures So Far”. Below are some excerpts from that article (emphases are mine):

  • Two female law experts have launched a petition that they say answers liberal members of Congress who claim women do not have a voice in the debate over the Obamacare mandate for contraceptive coverage and whether it infringes on religious liberty.

    Where are the Women? Here We Are
    is the headline at the Web site and petition campaign launched in February by Helen Alvare, associate law professor at George Mason University, and Kim Daniels, former counsel for the religious liberty advocacy group, Thomas More Law Center. So far, more than 20,000 women have signed the petition, which is also posted on Facebook.

    Alvare told that the Catholic Church’s stand against the Obama administration has given voice to Americans, including a growing number of women who agree with the church, even if some people have tried to deny that such an opposite opinion on the matter exists.

    I’m telling you that it does,” Alvare said. “It’s robust and we’re here.”

Click the link below to read the entire article:

Mothers/Lawyers Launch Petition Against Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate – 20,000 Signatures So Far |

Monday, March 19, 2012

John McCain Comes Down on the Wrong Side on Freedom of Conscience

Please click the link below to read the post from Catholic Bandita by Lisa Graas.

John McCain Comes Down on the Wrong Side on Freedom of Conscience