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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cardinal Burke sees 'no excuse' for employers covering contraceptive costs : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

The following excerpt is from Catholic World News at Catholic Culture:

Cardinal Raymond Burke has stated that employers who provide contraceptive coverage for their workers are guilty of both formal and material cooperation in contraception.

The cardinal--who is now one of the top-ranking Americans at the Vatican, where he serves as head of the Apostolic Signatura—said that there is “no way to justify” a health-care program that includes contraceptive coverage. He urged resistance against the Obama administration’s drive to make such coverage mandatory.

Click the link below to read the entire article:

Cardinal Burke sees 'no excuse' for employers covering contraceptive costs : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Divine Mercy Novena -- Day Five

Today is Day Five of the Divine Mercy Novena.

Please join us as we pray this novena with all the Catholics at Pray More Novenas.

You may also take a moment to look around here and see the intentions of the rest of the Pray More Novenas community. 

Monday, April 09, 2012

Divine Mercy Novena -- Day Four

Today is Day Four of the Divine Mercy Novena.

Please join us as we pray this novena with all the Catholics at Pray More Novenas.

You may also take a moment to look around here and see the intentions of the rest of the Pray More Novenas community. 

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Divine Mercy Novena -- Day Three

Today is Day Three of the Divine Mercy Novena.

If you haven't already posted your intentions for this novena, feel free to click here and post them (be sure you put only your first name for privacy). 

You may also take a moment to look around here and see the intentions of the rest of the Pray More Novenas community. 

Please join us as we pray this novena with all the Catholics at