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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bishop Bruskewitz Reflects on His Work for the Church and Calls on Laity to Boldly Evangelize | Daily News |

The following excerpts are from the National Catholic Register. The emphases are mine:

As he nears retirement, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Neb., reflected on the importance of the laity in modern culture, observing that well-formed men and women can bring Christ into the workplace and other areas where clergy cannot.

“We have to face seeing people where they are and bringing Christ to people where they are,” the bishop told CNA in Rome March 14.

During a recent ad limina visit with Pope Benedict, the 76-year-old bishop noted in an interview that Catholic laity have an irreplaceable duty in sanctifying the world.

He also had pointed remarks for those who identify as Catholics in the U.S. but work to advance policies that harm the Church and morality. “They have to realize that what they are doing is very serious, and very seriously wrong.”

Click the link below to read the entire article:

Bishop Bruskewitz Reflects on His Work for the Church and Calls on Laity to Boldly Evangelize | Daily News |

Divine Mercy Novena -- Day Nine

Today is Day Nine of the Divine Mercy Novena.

Please join us as we pray this novena with all 15,000 Catholics at Pray More Novenas.

You may also take a moment to look around here and pray for the intentions of the rest of the Pray More Novenas community. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

SSPX has sent new response to Holy See on 'doctrinal preamble' : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

SSPX has sent new response to Holy See on 'doctrinal preamble' : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Hendershott and White: Traditional Catholicism Is Winning -

Hendershott and White: Traditional Catholicism Is Winning -