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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Changes In Faith of the Fathers Blogs Effective January 1, 2013

Effective January 1, 2013, Faith of the Fathers blogs will reduce the number of "active" blogs, from 24 to 10.

Beginning January 1, the 14 that will no longer be posted to, will be listed as "Older Faith of the Fathers Blogs" as a link list at the very bottom of each blogs left hand sidebar. Those blogs will not be deleted, they will just no longer have any new posts added to them.

A decision to delete them entirely may come at a later date, as the 14 have very little to no traffic at all.

The 10 blogs that will remain active are as follows: 

Faith of the Fathers, Saint Quote of the Day, Daily Mass Readings, Approved Apparitions, Saints of the Faith, Pope Benedict XVI, Favorite Prayers And Scripture , Prayer Requests, The Early Church Fathers, and Apologetics.

These 10 are the blogs that have the most traffic and subscriptions, with the exception of the Prayer Requests blog. I will not remove it, as it is a blog I feel that is, and has been very helpful to many people.

In any case, thank you all for reading, following, and subscribing to these blogs.

Monday, December 17, 2012

From The Diocese of Charlotte: Rorate Mass in Latin held Dec. 15

Catholics attended what is thought to be the first Rorate Mass celebrated in the Diocese of Charlotte since the Second Vatican Council. The pre-dawn traditional Latin Mass, an ancient custom during Advent in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was held "in media nocte" ("in the middle of the night") and was illuminated only by candlelight.