We have a few posts that you might want to take a look at, if you haven't already.
First, on Daily Mass Readings, the Mass Readings for Saturday, April 24 are posted, and the Mass Readings for Sunday, April 25 as well.
While we are talking about Mass Readings, go to Spiritual Warfare, and click the link post there for this article: "Predestination, Free Will, Faith and Grace: Do You Hear My Voice?" by Marcellino D'Ambrosio. It goes with Sunday's Mass Readings, but I felt belonged in a post for Spiritual Warfare as well.
Let's not forget Saint Quote of the Day, where there is a quote from Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, who's Feast Day is Saturday.
Finally, go to the Pope Benedict XVI blog, and read the news from the Vatican Information Service. Particularly note the "Declaration of U.S. Lawyer Concerning Sex Abuse Case".