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Showing posts with label blog reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog reading. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Our Top Blog Posts of All Time

I thought that the readers of these blogs might be interested in the all-time top blog posts on all of my Faith of the Fathers Blogs. Below is a list of those posts. You may click each post’s title if you’d like to read them.

Favorite Prayers and Scripture
May 13, 2006,
Views: 15441

Saint Quote of the Day
Aug 28, 2005,
Views: 2838

Daily Catholic Mass Readings
Aug 17, 2013,
Views: 1625

Faith of the Fathers Report
Jul 27, 2011,
Views: 558

The Pope And Church News
Jul 8, 2013,
Views: 642

Saints of the Faith
Mar 15, 2006,
Views: 6284

Faith of the Fathers
Aug 15, 2010,
Views: 862

Church Under Attack
Apr 24, 2013,
Views: 610

Our Lady
Apr 4, 2007,
Views: 975

The Early Church Fathers
Sep 29, 2010,
Views: 1876

Apr 22, 2012,
Views: 4131

Approved Apparitions
Mar 24, 2006,
Views: 17778

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Adjustments and Stuff

I am in the process of changing the layout of the blogs. Instead of 2 sidebars, there will be just one.

I have made the page wider, and the posts will be more-so on the left side of the blog.

The blog lists, or links to all Faith of the Fathers blogs and my favorite Catholic blogs can be found on the right hand sidebar by scrolling down the page.

Also, new is an Amazon store called "Faith of the Fathers Catholic Books and More", which can be accessed by clicking the name that is just below the header (description box) near the top of the page. There will be books, Bibles, DVD’s and more for sale, that re;ate to the different areas of the blogs. They include Catholic Mass, Catholic Saints, Fathers of the Church, and more.

I have also added a home page for the blogs, and in it's main (and only) post is a list of all the most recent blog posts. Each has a small "snippet" from the blog post. You can click the title of the snippet, and it will take you to the full post.

I hope this gives the blogs a cleaner look, and is better for all the readers and followers of Faith of the Fathers.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Yes, Virginia, I Do Have A Blog Roll

Some long time readers and followers of "Faith of the Fathers Blogs" are probably familiar with the items in our sidebars. However, many who only read the blog posts with a feed/news reader or a mobile device (such as an iPhone) never see the sidebar items (which is why you should visit us with a computer occasionally) at all.

In particular, I want to call your attention to the sidebar item (on the right hand side bar) "MY FAVORITE BLOGS (LISTED BY MOST RECENT POST)". This is more or less a blog roll, where I link to some good, solid Catholic blogs and bloggers that you may not be aware of, and would find good reading (when your not here, that is) and good information as well.

The two newest additions are the Catholic apologist Tim Staples, and his blog, appropriately entitled, "Tim Staples", and Father Tim Finigan's blog, "The hermeneutic of continuity". Both are well worth the time to read, as are all the blogs listed there quite frankly..

There are also a lot of well known blogs and bloggers listed here as well as some well known Catholics whom you may not have been aware of as also having blogs.

These include Timothy Cardinal Dolan's "The Gospel In The Digital Age"; Father Robert Barron's "Word On Fire"; Father John Zuhlsdorf's "Fr. Z's Blog" (formerly called "What Does the Prayer Really Say?"); Priests for Life's "Father Frank Pavone's Blog"; Father Juan Velez's (author of "Passion For Truth: The Life of John Henry Newman) blog "Cardinal John Henry Newman"; Jimmy Akin's blog, “Jimmy Akin”; Sofia Guerra's “Always Catholic”; Lisa Graas' “Catholic Bandita”; Taylor Marshall's “Taylor Marshall”; and more than I have time to post about here.

As I said, all have great posts, not just the ones I mentioned here, but all of them that are in "MY FAVORITE BLOGS (LISTED BY MOST RECENT POST)" on the right hand sidebar. Give their stats a boost and visit them all. You won't regret it!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Guest Post On "Saints of the Faith" Blog

I am very fortunate to be able to tell you that we have a very good guest on our "Saints of the Faith".

The post is "Blessed John Henry Newman, A Great Teacher and Catechist" by Father Juan R. VĂ©lez. Be sure to give it a read and leave a comment if you'd like.

Father Juan R. VĂ©lez, is the author of "Passion for Truth, The Life of John Henry Newman". Father VĂ©lez is a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei who resides in San Francisco. He holds a doctorate in dogmatic theology from the University of Navarre. His doctoral thesis was on John Henry Newman’s Eschatology.

His interest in the life and works of Cardinal Newman began with his doctoral studies under Prof. José Morales, author of John Henry Newman (1801-1890).

Fr. VĂ©lez has a medical degree, also from the University of Navarre, and was previously board certified in internal medicine.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Is The Church a Democracy?

Note: The following post, "Is The Church a Democracy?" was written by Marie in February 2006, where it appeared on our "Apologetics" blog. I thought it worth repeating here.

One of the mistakes being generated by various groups and figures of prominence is to think that the Catholic Church is a democracy. This is not so!

The Church has never been a democracy, not in the past, not in the present and not in the future. In fact the Church does not change to suit the times in this anything goes generation. Most of the acrimony comes from a failed understanding of this essential fact. Some may not agree with everything the Church does, but that does not give anyone free license to dissent nor question the Churches authority.

Catholic Church doctrine and Dogma's are not to be disputed; they are to be accepted with filial obedience to the Vicar of Christ and the Magisterium, anyone who does other than this would have to consider themselves above the Church. This can also be a problem within the Church as some Priests and Religious embrace a spirit of liberalism and try to introduce a 'new doctrine' to the Catholic Church. They do this by trying to make Jesus seem as no different from all of us. They emphasise Jesus' humanity and either disregard or totally ignore Jesus Divine Nature. In their efforts to make the Church and Jesus more relevant they have in effect made both `seem' irrelevant. For why worship a `man' who is `just like us'? This is one of the weapons that the 'modernists' use to bring an element of relativism into the very heart of the Church.

There is also the opposite case where those who are so intent on never changing that they then negate the works within the Church such as the Second Vatican Council. Vatican 2 was not a mistake, for the Holy Spirit is never stagnant nor does it `move with the times. The Holy Spirit is above trends and modernism, but seeks within each heart and gives empowerment to that which it is espoused, The Roman Catholic Church. For as the keys were given to Peter so too they were given to Pope John XXIII, who opened the Heart of the Church to the awakening of its hidden depths and mysticism and allowing the Light to pierce the Truths of the Church, for all to seek God through the Sacraments and to acknowledge His Majesty, within.

The modernistic trend in the Church cannot be solely and entirely blamed on our Priests or religious, it is also to be shared with equal responsibility with the laity. We cannot complain about bad liturgical practices, if we maintain our silence in the presence of the Priests who espouse this `new (false) Doctrine'! The true enemy of the Church is apathy and timidity of soul, when in fear of repercussions or a loss of popularity the laity maintain their silence, thereby giving the Priest its sanction to do as he wishes. Some may say, `but we cannot speak or correct a Priest'. Was Catherine of Sienna wrong, when she confronted the legitimate Pope, and requested his return to his rightful seat, which is Rome? Was Paul wrong when he corrected Peter as to being chained by the Law?

Christ is the Head of the Church and we the people are its Body so it is incumbent upon us to follow the Church in Rome over and above `rogue priests and nuns' who espouse a false doctrine which tries to imply that man is Gods equal!! In the words of our late Pope John Paul II, " At the root of this loss of hope is an attempt to promote a vision of man apart from God and apart from Christ, this has led man to believe he is the absolute centre of reality……. the place of God and which forgets that it is not man who creates God, but rather God who creates man…..European culture gives the impression of `silent apostasy' on the part of people who have all that they need and who live as if God does not exist".

The Catholic Church is also a `patriarchal' Church, simply because Christ ordained it as such during The Last Supper, and our first Pope was St. Peter to our present Pope Benedict XVI. This does not negate a woman's role in The Church, but enhances and makes unique a woman's contribution to the faithful. Every Priest was born of a woman, the woman is central to the continuation of a healthy and spiritually productive Church, which Mary most Holy Mother of God, encapsulates for each one of us. Therefore any modernistic trend to elevate women as superior to men is doomed to fail, for its foundation is pride the first enemy of God.

The Church also honours the role of woman in that Christ was born of a woman and not just any woman but one especially chosen by the Triune Spirit. Mary would by her obedient Fiat, become the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and the Mother of God through the birth of her son, our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church honours and esteems Mary's role as The Mother of God above all other women. It is also to Mary the Mother of God, that women need to emulate as their most perfect example of femininity and filial obedience to God.

The modernistic trend to deem all things of faith in the concept of rationalisation is a heretical view, propagated by the `rationale humanism' of individuals. It is faulty in that the mind needs proof of what is unknowing and is essentially Mystery, for example `the Incarnation', if faith is based on ones own rationale, how was Christ conceived of a Virgin? If man bases his faith on the concept of what is understandable and logical, then what answer to this Mystery of Mysteries, the Incarnation?

When one dissents from the Church founded by Christ, then one has essentially, excommunicated himself from the Faith, for if the Catholic Church is to be held in dispute then you are in effect denying Jesus Christ as head of that very same Church. Thereby proclaiming oneself a heretic and essentially placing one's faith on what is acceptable to your own ideology. With a willful pursuit of dissent against The Churches Teaching and instigating upon one's own authority to be an enemy of the One True Holy and Apostolic Church, and an enemy of Christ, He, who Is and ever shall be The Head of The Catholic Church.

In matters of Liturgical correctness, whether it be in Latin or in the vernacular language of the persons country, is not based on a `perfect language' but on a `perfect intent', that seeks to give all Honour, Praise, Glory to the Trinitarian God, through Worship and thanksgiving and receiving of The Eucharist and through the Sacraments of the Church. To suggest that the only valid Mass is the Latin Mass is faulty in that it disregards the Popes authority to proclaim what is True and acceptable in forms of Worship. For if language is the source of the problems encountered by many Latin Mass observers, then should the Mass not be said in Aramaic, as was spoken by Jesus and the Apostles?

As for the Seat of Peter, if it were to have been vacant for any length of time, then you are proclaiming that God is impotent within His Church. For Jesus gave the Keys to the first Pope, St. Peter and unto him also the authority which is now given to our present Pope Benedict XVI. The Church is infallible, by the very fact that it is through Christ Jesus and Him Crucified, who is the Head of The Church entire. God does not make errors or mistakes, therefore neither does the Church, in matters of Doctrine and those who dispute The Churches authority are in danger of scandal and placing themselves over and above their Creator……and on a level with the serpent, who is also an enemy of the Church and an enemy of God its Creator, for the serpent was the first to embrace `rationale humanism' and presented it to Eve.

When the level of our Faith becomes dependent on what we are able to grasp intellectually is this Faith or reason? For as St. Augustine teaches, " Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe."

We need to truly recognise the `signs of the times' and then with prayer, speak the Truth irrespective of the cost to oneself, for what comes first, self preservation or Salvation?

Peace of Christ to ALL

Copyright © 2006 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Top All Time Posts For Faith of the Fathers Blogs

I was looking at the stats for some of the Faith of the Fathers blogs, and it occurred to me that I had never looked at the "all time" top posts of the blogs.

So, I decided to share here what the Google Stats says are the top posts for all time, and thought that some of you might want to read some of those posts.

So here they are in no particular order:

Faith of the Fathers: The Digital Catholic Bible
Saint Quote of the Day: Saint Quote : Saint Anthony of Padua
No Walls: The Beatitudes
Church Under Attack: Gospel of Judas
Favorite Prayers And Scripture: Prayers Before And After Reading Holy Scripture
Saints of the Faith: Sister Josefa Menendez-Victim Soul
Spirituality and Mysticism: Mystical Suffering of The Victim Soul
Busy Mom's Notebook: Shepherds Pie With Mushroom (Yes, we have recipes)
Approved Apparitions: Our Lady of Kibeho
Spiritual Warfare: The Seven Deadly Sins-ENVY
Bible Stories (one of our Kid's Corner blogs): The Story of Gideon

So, give them a read if you have the time. I hope you find them enjoyable and informative.

Copyright © 2005-2012 Steve Smith. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Post From The Past: "Why Women Can't Be Priests"

"Ordaining of the Twelve Apostles" -- by James Tissot

The following excerpt is from our blog, Church Under Attack. Written by Marie in August of 2005, it is entitled "Why Women Can't Be Priests":
  • The Ordination of women into the Priesthood seems to be the burning question for this particular century. It has brought much pain and anguish to some Catholic women both laity and religious and also much anger, why is this so when the Church's position has not changed over the centuries?
  • If women feel they are being unjustly treated or are being disregarded as to their value within The Catholic Church, then contrary to their 'perceived' erroneous opinion that The Church devalues women, in favor of a 'Patriarchal' hierarchy, they are then misinformed. One must then draw the conclusion that outside of the facts the women who feel themselves degraded or devalued is of a personal nature, rather than Church policy!
Click "Why Women Can't Be Priests" to read more.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Faith of the Fathers Blogs Posts For 12/16/2011

On Daily Mass Readings

Readings for December 16, 2011

Isaiah 56: 1 - 3, 6 - 8
Psalms 67: 2 - 3, 5, 7 - 8
John 5: 33 - 36

On Saint Quote of the Day

Saint Francis of Paola

On Favorite Prayers And Scripture


Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Suggested Reading

Here are some of our most popular posts (according to Blogger) from four of our blogs:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our Lady of Akita

Our Lady of Akita

Here is a post on Approved Apparitions from September 18, 2005 by Emmy. Also here is a post about Akita  (on the same blog) from Marie who published this post on April 6, 2006. It is called "Akita- A Warning To The World".

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Couple of Reading Suggestions From Our Blogs

Here are two reading suggestions for those of you new to our blogs. Some are buried way deep in the archives, and only get read by accident now and then.

The first is by Marie, posted on April of 2006. It is called "Spiritual Priorities". Here is a snippet: "To help us visualize what we have placed as all important let us do this test......If you were told that you had only 48 hours to live, what would you be impelled to do? Go out and buy the latest scandal sheet in order that you know who is divorcing who or what star is squabbling with another? Would you go to your local blockbuster video and DVD store and order reruns of your favourite soap opera's then sit glued to your sofa as you spend the remaining hours of your life in front of the telly?" This is on the "Spirituality and Mysticism" blog.

The second is by me, Steve. It is called "Too Smart For The Church?" It was posted on February of 2006. Here is a snippet: "We have all seen those individuals or groups of individuals, who think that there is nothing more for them to learn about our faith, that they have grown spiritually as far as it is humanly possible for them to grow. These self-assured people think nothing more can be acquired by them from the study of Holy Scripture, the writings of the Saints, nor from the instruction and guidance of the Church. We have even seen some proclaim themselves the only “true Christians”, the only “true Catholics”." And this one is on the "Spiritual Warfare" blog.

I seem to be stuck in 2006 on these two suggestions, but I encourage you to explore the archives. There are some good posts there, especially those by Marie.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ask What They Mean By "Choice"

From Jill Stanek comes the following:

When NARAL announced a “Blog for Choice Day,” to be held this Friday, January 21, my blood boiled.

How dare they celebrate the upcoming 38th anniversary of the infamous Roe v.Wade decision with their ambiguous claptrap.

Over 50 million babies have been killed in America since that terrible day, most certainly nothing to cheer about, unless you’re in Rome at the Colosseum perhaps.

So pro-life bloggers are banding together to sponsor a counter “Ask Them What They Mean When They Say ‘Choice’ Blog Day” on the same day, January 21.

We’re also encouraging all pro-lifers on Twitter and Facebook to participate.

The idea is simple. Any time any of us reads pro-aborts spouting their obscure “choice” rhetoric on a blog, website, Facebook, or Twitter, we call them out on it. We ask them to explain what the “choice” is.

Is it to eat carrots rather than broccoli? To wear red instead of blue? No, of course “choice” is code for killing babies. What’s their problem with the A-word?

Yes, this is a shameless scheme to suck oxygen out of the pro-aborts’ social media universe, to deny them any time whatsoever to support abortion without defending it.

Continue reading about this here

My blog will be participating.

Monday, November 29, 2010

About "Goffine's Devout Instructions"

As many readers of Faith of the Fathers blogs know, I try to incorporate "Goffine's Devout Instructions" whenever possible for  a Feast, Solemnity or Memorial of the Church. Some have asked who Goffine is, or rather was, and so I did a little research, and found this information primarily from the Catholic Encyclopedia.

I condensed the article down somewhat, but if you want to read it in it's entirety just click  the link above.

Here is what I have:

Leonard Goffiné was German Catholic priest born December 6, 1648 in Cologne (some sources say Broich).

At the age of 19 he entered the Norbertine Abbey of Steinfield. and he began his two year novitiate in July 1667. He was then sent to the Norbertine College in Cologne for his courses of philosophy and theology. He was ordained a priest on Ember Saturday before Christmas in 1667.

He was sent to Dunwald to assist the priests who were in charge of the direction of the parishand the convent of the Norbetine canonesses. Afterwards, in the same duty, he was sent to Ellen where there was also a convent od Norbertine nuns. He was in each of these places for 4 years until he was recalled by the abbott to fill the office of novitiate master on February 26, 1680. He was later given charge of the parish of Clairholz.

Goffine remained at Clarholz five years (1680–85), and was sent to Niederehe, a priory which the Abbey of Steinfeld possessed in the Archdiocese of Trier. He remained in Niederehe only a  short time, being sent in 1685 to assist the clergy of St. Lambert's at Coesfield, in the Diocese of Munster. He left Coesfeld in 1691, where he undertook the charge of the parishes, first of Wehr, then of Rheinböllen, and afterwards of Idar-Oberstein, from December, 1696, until his death on August 11, 1719.

While he was at Coesfeld he wrote his best-known work, Handpostille oder Christkatholische Unterrichtungen auf alle Sonn und Feyer-tagen des ganzen Jahrs (brief commentaries in the form of question and answer on the Proper of the mass, principally on the Epistle and gospel of the day). This book (which is primarily known in english as "Goffine's Devout Instructions") was ready in 1687, and in 1688 it received the imprimatur of the Vicar-General of MĂĽnster, and in 1690 the approbation of Rev. William Heimbach, Norbertine prior of Meer, and of Rev. John Dirking, Rector of the Jesuit college of Hildesheim. The first edition, printed in 1690, was soon exhausted, and a second edition was printed in Cologne in 1692. Translations have been made into Moravian, Bohemian, Hungarian, English, French, Italian, and Flemish.

If you'd like, you can download a free version of "Goffines Devout Instructions" by clicking here.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

From The Vatican Information Service

"At the same time, States have the right to regulate migration flows and to defend their own frontiers, always guaranteeing the respect due to the dignity of each and every human person. Immigrants, moreover, have the duty to integrate into the host country, respecting its laws and its national identity".

Read more from the Vatican Information Service on Pope Benedict XVI.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Three Posts From Other Blogs To Read

In my last post, I mentioned my blog list on the right hand sidebar of Faith of the Fathers blogs, and I want to call your attention to three of those and a post from each that you should read.

The first is from Creative Minority Report, and the title of the article is "Abortion Clinic Director Faked Bomb Scare". The title pretty much gives you the gist of the story, but it is informative reading.

The second post comes from Voices For Life, and the article there is must reading esoecially for those with elderly parents in the United States. The article is entitled "Modern Murder: Euthanasia is Here!" Please read it for yourself and for your loved ones.

Last but not least is from the blog of National Catholic Register called  "Frontline Faith Catholic Content for Sacrament-Starved Troops". It relates the efforts of  Cheri Lomonte to get the ball rolling to send Catholic content MP3 players to our Catholic American troops overseas. To give you an idea of the importance of this work, keep in mind that there are over 300,000 Catholics serving in the United States armed forces, and just 280 Catholic chaplains.

I hope you find these posts to be worthwhile reading as I did.