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Showing posts with label new posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new posts. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pope Benedict XVI's Prayer Intentions For May 2011

VATICAN CITY, 30 APR 2011 (VIS) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for May is: "That those working in communication media may respect the truth, solidarity, and dignity of all people ".

  His mission intention is: "That the Lord may help the Church in China persevere in fidelity to the Gospel and grow in unity".
BXVI-PRAYER INTENTIONS/                                                       VIS 20110430 (50)

You can find more information at:

The news items contained in the Vatican Information Service may be used, in part or in their entirety, by quoting the source:
V.I.S. -Vatican Information Service.
Copyright © Vatican Information Service 00120 Vatican City

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Missal Moment #2: 'Many' vs. 'All'

A video about the new english language translation of the Roman Missal from the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Help Nuns Make A Movie!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Little Catholic Bubble: Why is the Left Ignoring Church Burnings and 'Near...

Below is a very good guest post on the blog "Little Catholic Bubble" by Lisa Graas. It's a very good post well worth the read as it asks why the Left and the mainstream media is so deafeningly silent on the plight of Christians in the Muslim dominated countries.

I follow both blogs, so be sure to read them and be especially sure to read the post by Lisa as indicated below.

Little Catholic Bubble: Why is the Left Ignoring Church Burnings and 'Near...: "Many of you are familiar with Lisa Graas and her work, both from her comments here and from my blog roll. She is an amazing lady, and the s..."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Poll: Should There Be Federal Funding For Planned Parenthood?

Poll: Should There Be Federal Funding For Planned Parenthood?

There is a story on the CBS News (New York) about Senator Frank Lautenberg leading a rally supporting federal funding of Planned Parenthood. On that news story page, there is a poll you can vote on to express your support or opposition to the fedral government funding Planned Parenthood.

I am happy to report that I voted "No" to the federal funding of Planned Parenthood.

Go to that story now, and vote No to the funding of Planned Parenthood.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

ALERT: REQUEST FOR PRAYERS FOR A MIRACULOUS CURE: Joseph – 2 years old | Fr. Z's Blog – What Does The Prayer Really Say?

ALERT: REQUEST FOR PRAYERS FOR A MIRACULOUS CURE: Joseph – 2 years old | Fr. Z's Blog – What Does The Prayer Really Say?

"Today Joe was sleeping while his Dad was crying along beside him. He awoke, he is 2 and a half, and asked his Dad why he was crying? ‘Don’t you see the two angels standing next to the bed. They are bewdiful’ He said."

Please click the lnik above to read about this child with Category 4 cancer, and say a prayer to Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta for his cure.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Pope Benedict XVI's Prayer Intentions For March

VATICAN CITY, 1 MAR 2011 (VIS) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for March is: "That the nations of Latin America may walk in fidelity to the Gospel and progress in justice and peace".

His mission intention is: "That the Holy Spirit may give light and strength to those in many regions of the world who are persecuted and discriminated against because of the Gospel".

BXVI-PRAYER INTENTIONS/                                                       VIS 20110301 (80)

You can find more information at:

The news items contained in the Vatican Information Service may be used, in part or in their entirety, by quoting the source:
V.I.S. -Vatican Information Service.
Copyright © Vatican Information Service 00120 Vatican City

Monday, February 14, 2011

Quotation: Pope Pius XI

Doing some research on pope's of the Church again, and I came across this pro-life quotation from Pope Pius XI who reigned as Pope from 1922 - 1939. Anyway, here is the quote:

"However we may pity the mother whose health and even life is imperiled by the performance of her natural duty, there yet remains no sufficient reason for condoning the direct murder of the innocent."

-- Pope Pius XI

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Popes With The Longest and Shortest Reigns

Stuff I learned while researching other stuff.

I always do some research for the blogs, and occasionally I find something of interest (to me anyway) that I like to share with our readers. Below are lists of Popes of the Roman Catholic Church with the longest and the shortest reigns:

Popes with the longest reigns

The 10 longest-reigning popes whose reign lengths can be determined from contemporary historical data are the following:

1. Pius IX (1846–1878): 31 years, 7 months and 23 days (11,560 days)
2. John Paul II (1978–2005): 26 years, 5 months and 17 days (9,665 days)
3. Leo XIII (1878–1903): 25 years, 5 months and 1 day (9,281 days)
4. Pius VI (1775–1799): 24 years, 6 months and 15 days (8,962 days)
5. Adrian I (772–795): 23 years, 10 months and 25 days (8,729 days)
6. Pius VII (1800–1823): 23 years, 5 months and 7 days (8,560 days)
7. Alexander III (1159–1181): 21 years, 11 months and 24 days (8,029 days)
8. St. Sylvester I (314–335): 21 years, 11 months and 1 day (8,005 days)
9. St. Leo I (440–461): 21 years, 1 month, and 13 days. (7,713 days)
10. Urban VIII (1623–1644): 20 years, 11 months and 24 days (7,664 days)

Popes with the shortest reigns

This is a list of the 11 shortest-reigning popes:

1. Urban VII (15–27 September 1590): 13 days (died before coronation)
2. Boniface VI (April, 896): 16 days
3. Celestine IV (25 October – 10 November 1241): 17 days (died before consecration)
4. Theodore II (December 897): 20 days
5. Sisinnius (15 January – 4 February 708): 21 days
6. Marcellus II (9 April – 1 May 1555): 22 days
7. Damasus II (17 July – 9 August 1048): 24 days
8. Pius III (22 September – 18 October 1503): 27 days
9. Leo XI (1–27 April 1605): 27 days
10. Benedict V (22 May – 23 June 964): 33 days
11. John Paul I (26 August – 28 September 1978): 34 days

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Vote For the 2011 Bloggers Choice Awards

The time is right to vote for the 2011 Bloggers Choice Awards. Once again, I was nominated by some kind soul and I do appreciate it!

However, I would like to ask all of the readers to the Faith of the Fathers Blogs, to vote for my favorite Catholic blog, "What Does The Prayer Really Say?" by Father John Zuhlsdorf, known as Father Z to those who regularly read his blog. 

I never miss a day reading his blog, and in fact, I use a service to tweet his posts to my twitter account so those who follow me on twitter can read his posts, and I use the same service to share his blog posts on Facebook, too. His blog is also listed on the right hand sidebar of Faith of the Fathers Blogs under the heading "My Favorite Catholic Blogs" (they are in alphabetical order so scroll down to find WDTPRS).

To vote for Father Z's blog you can click here to vote. You will have to sign up to cast your vote, but don't worry. They don't share your email and do not send you any kind of spam or unwanted emails. So go vote for Father Z now!

And if you don't read his blog, then you are missing out my friends!

If by some chance you'd also like to vote for me (you CAN vote for more than one blog, it would be nice to see THREE Catholic blogs take the top three spots) you can vote for me by clicking here. I'd be happy to get more than the 4 or 5 votes I got last year!

Regardless of who else you vote for, please do cast a vote for Father Z's blog first. He has a strong start at the moment, and I for one would like to see him finish strong because to be honest, the man truly deserves it for all of his hard work!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

What do they mean by choice?

They mean that they view abortion as birth control. They see it as the means to save the government money. They mean that they want to eliminate the poor, the minorities, and others they deem as a financial drain and as unfit for society.

As reported on on October 26, 2010 (which can be read by clicking here), regarding the federal healthcare reform, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, appearing on the Bill Pless radio show, said "I think it's important, Bill, to understand that unlike some other issues of cost, birth control is one of those issues that actually saves the government money. So an investment in covering birth control actually in the long run is a huge cost savings because women don't have children that they weren't planning on having and all the sort of attendant cost for unplanned pregnancy.

"So we actually feel that covering birth control is not only the right thing to do for women, it's good for women, it's good for their health care, but it's frankly good public policy."

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in her attempt to justify the contraceptive funding in the stimulus bill said that preventing births "will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."

So, in essence, no babies from the poor in our country, means huge savings to the state and federal governments, and also means that those pro-choice elitists won't have to see or deal with the poor.

For instance, Ron Weddington, the co-counsel who successfully argued the Roe vs.Wade decision before the United States Supreme Court, wrote a letter to the then-president-elect Bill Clinton urging him to "eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of our country" by liberalizing abortion laws."

World Net Daily, on May 13, 2006 reported on Weddington's letter to Clinton after the letter was included in an exhibit by the legal watchdog group, Judicial Watch. According to the report Weddington also included in the letter the following statements to the president-elect (all the statements below appear on World Net Daily's story which can be read by clicking here) :

"No, I'm not advocating some sort of mass extinction of these unfortunate people. Crime, drugs and disease are already doing that. The problem is that their numbers are not only replaced but increased by the birth of millions of babies to people who can't afford to have babies.

"There, I've said it. It's what we all know is true, but we only whisper it, because as liberals who believe in individual rights, we view any program which might treat the disadvantaged differently as discriminatory, mean-spirited and ... well ... so Republican."

"Having convinced the poor that they can't get out of poverty when they have all those extra mouths to feed, you will have to provide the means to prevent the extra mouths, because abstinence doesn't work. The religious right has had 12 years to preach its message. It's time to officially recognize that people are going to have sex and what we need to do as a nation is prevent as much disease and as many poor babies as possible."

"Think of all the poverty, crime and misery ... and then add 30 million unwanted babies (there had been 30 million abortion in the United Sates up to that point in time) to the scenario. We lost a lot of ground during the Reagan-Bush religious orgy. We don't have a lot of time left."

"The biblical exhortation to 'be fruitful and multiply' was directed toward a small tribe, surrounded by enemies. "We are long past that. Our survival depends upon our developing a population where everyone contributes. We don't need more cannon fodder. We don't need more parishioners. We don't need more cheap labor. We don't need more poor babies."

In a study from the Guttmacher Institute, which is an affiliate of Planned Parenthood, it was reported that among American women who obtained abortions, the proportion who lived under the federal poverty level went from 27% in 2000 to 42% in 2008. The report did not look at Planned Parenthood's campaign of encouraging abortions among poor women and women of racial minority groups. It did note however that only 36% of the women receiving abortions were white.

I will not delve into how this all lives down to the exacting standards of Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger, who, in her 1939 Negro Project said "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out the idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." 1

Sanger also wrote the following:

"It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance. There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things. Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence. Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them. Herein lies the key of civilization. For upon the foundation of an enlightened and voluntary motherhood shall a future civilization emerge." 2

"It is said that a fish as large as a man has a brain no larger than the kernel of an almond. In all fish and reptiles where there is no great brain development, there is also no conscious sexual control. The lower down in the scale of human development we go the less sexual control we find. It is said that the aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets." 3

You can read other quotes from Margaret Sanger, at the pages of Diane Dew (A Pro-Life Perspective) by clicking here.

So, when they say “pro-choice” they mean “pro-death” and “pro-hate”.

1. Linda Gordon, "Woman's Body, Woman's Right" (New York: Grossman, 1974, 1976) 332-333.
2. Sanger, "What Every Boy and Girl Should Know", 1915, p. 140
3. Sanger 1920, p. 47

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Philadelphia Abortionist Charged With 8 Counts of Murder

Dr. Kermit Gosnell allegedly made millions of dollars over 30 years performing as many illegal, late term  abortions as he could according to prosecutors in Philadelphia. Grand jury findings allege that he made $10,000 to $15,000 a night performing these abortions.

Catering to minorities, immigrants, and poor women, Gosnell, 69, was charged with 8 counts of murder in the deaths of a patient and seven babies who were born alive and then killed with scissors prosecutors said Wednesday. Two employees of the clinic run by Gosnell were also charged with murder.

Prosecutors say that state regulators in Pennsylvania ignored complaints about Gosnell and had failed to inspect or visit his clinic since 1993.

Read and download the Grand Jury findings here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ask What They Mean By "Choice"

From Jill Stanek comes the following:

When NARAL announced a “Blog for Choice Day,” to be held this Friday, January 21, my blood boiled.

How dare they celebrate the upcoming 38th anniversary of the infamous Roe v.Wade decision with their ambiguous claptrap.

Over 50 million babies have been killed in America since that terrible day, most certainly nothing to cheer about, unless you’re in Rome at the Colosseum perhaps.

So pro-life bloggers are banding together to sponsor a counter “Ask Them What They Mean When They Say ‘Choice’ Blog Day” on the same day, January 21.

We’re also encouraging all pro-lifers on Twitter and Facebook to participate.

The idea is simple. Any time any of us reads pro-aborts spouting their obscure “choice” rhetoric on a blog, website, Facebook, or Twitter, we call them out on it. We ask them to explain what the “choice” is.

Is it to eat carrots rather than broccoli? To wear red instead of blue? No, of course “choice” is code for killing babies. What’s their problem with the A-word?

Yes, this is a shameless scheme to suck oxygen out of the pro-aborts’ social media universe, to deny them any time whatsoever to support abortion without defending it.

Continue reading about this here

My blog will be participating.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Note: Below are extracts from the Holy Father's address as reported by the Vatican Information Service. Pope Benedict XVI especially mentions the persecutions of Christians around the world, particularly in the Middle East. He also urged Pakistan to repeal the Blasphemy laws in this address. I felt it important enough to post the address seperately here. For the full version of news from the Vatican Information Service, please see our blog, Pope Benedict XVI.

*       *       *       *       *       *       *


VATICAN CITY, 10 JAN 2011 (VIS) - This morning in the Sala Regia of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, Pope Benedict pronounced his traditional annual address to members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See. He also received the greetings of the ambassadors formulated in a speech delivered by Alejandro Emilio Valladares Lanza of Honduras and dean of the diplomatic corps.

The Holy See currently maintains full diplomatic relations with 178 States, to which must be added the European Union and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. It also has relations of a special nature with the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

Furthermore, the Holy See has observer-State status at the United Nations, as well as being a member of seven organisations and agencies of the UN system, observer in eight others, and member or observer in five regional organisations.

Ample extracts of the Holy Father's address are given below:

"Humanity throughout history, in its beliefs and rituals, demonstrates a constant search for God and 'these forms of religious expression are so universal that one may well call man a religious being'. The religious dimension is an undeniable and irrepressible feature of man's being and acting, the measure of the fulfilment of his destiny and of the building up of the community to which he belongs. Consequently, when the individual himself or those around him neglect or deny this fundamental dimension, imbalances and conflicts arise at all levels, both personal and interpersonal".

"The right to religious freedom, ... is indeed the first of human rights, not only because it was historically the first to be recognised but also because it touches the constitutive dimension of man, his relation with his Creator. Yet is this fundamental human right not all too often called into question or violated? It seems to me that society, its leaders and public opinion are becoming more and more aware, even if not always in a clear way, of this grave attack on the dignity and freedom of 'homo religiosus', which I have sought on numerous occasions to draw to the attention of all".

"The Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, which took place in the Vatican in October, was a moment of prayer and reflection in which our thoughts turned insistently to the Christian communities in that part of the world which suffer greatly because of their fidelity to Christ and the Church.

"Looking to the East, the attacks which brought death, grief and dismay among the Christians of Iraq, even to the point of inducing them to leave the land where their families have lived for centuries, has troubled us deeply. To the authorities of that country and to the Muslim religious leaders I renew my heartfelt appeal that their Christian fellow-citizens be able to live in security, continuing to contribute to the society in which they are fully members. In Egypt too, in Alexandria, terrorism brutally struck Christians as they prayed in church. This succession of attacks is yet another sign of the urgent need for the governments of the region to adopt, in spite of difficulties and dangers, effective measures for the protection of religious minorities"

"I appreciate the concern for the rights of the most vulnerable and the political farsightedness which some countries in Europe have demonstrated in recent days by their call for a concerted response on the part of the European Union for the defence of Christians in the Middle East.

"Finally, I would like to state once again that the right to religious freedom is not fully respected when only freedom of worship is guaranteed, and that with restrictions. Furthermore, I encourage the accompaniment of the full safeguarding of religious freedom and other humans rights by programmes which, beginning in primary school and within the context of religious instruction, will educate everyone to respect their brothers and sisters in humanity.

"Regarding the states of the Arabian Peninsula, where numerous Christian immigrant workers live, I hope that the Catholic Church will be able to establish suitable pastoral structures.

"Among the norms prejudicing the right of persons to religious freedom, particular mention must be made of the law against blasphemy in Pakistan: I once more encourage the leaders of that country to take the necessary steps to abrogate that law, all the more so because it is clear that it serves as a pretext for acts of injustice and violence against religious minorities. The tragic murder of the governor of Punjab shows the urgent need to make progress in this direction: the worship of God furthers fraternity and love, not hatred and division. Other troubling situations, at times accompanied by acts of violence, can be mentioned in south and south-east Asia, in countries which for that matter have a tradition of peaceful social relations.

"The particular influence of a given religion in a nation ought never to mean that citizens of another religion can be subject to discrimination in social life or, even worse, that violence against them can be tolerated. In this regard, it is important for inter-religious dialogue to favour a common commitment to recognising and promoting the religious freedom of each person and community. And, as I remarked earlier, violence against Christians does not spare Africa. Attacks on places of worship in Nigeria during the very celebrations marking the birth of Christ are another sad proof of this.

"In a number of countries, on the other hand, a constitutionally recognised right to religious freedom exists, yet the life of religious communities is in fact made difficult and at times even dangerous because the legal or social order is inspired by philosophical and political systems which call for strict control, if not a monopoly, of the State over society. Such inconsistencies must end, so that believers will not find themselves torn between fidelity to God and loyalty to their country. I ask in particular that Catholic communities be everywhere guaranteed full autonomy of organisation and the freedom to carry out their mission, in conformity with international norms and standards in this sphere. My thoughts turn once again to the Catholic community of mainland China and its pastors, who are experiencing a time of difficulty and trial. I would also like to offer a word of encouragement to the authorities of Cuba, a country which in 2010 celebrated seventy-five years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations with the Holy See, that the dialogue happily begun with the Church may be reinforced and expanded.

"Turning our gaze from East to West, we find ourselves faced with other kinds of threats to the full exercise of religious freedom. I think in the first place of countries which accord great importance to pluralism and tolerance, but where religion is increasingly being marginalised. There is a tendency to consider religion, all religion, as something insignificant, alien or even destabilising to modern society, and to attempt by different means to prevent it from having any influence on the life of society. Christians are even required at times to act in the exercise of their profession with no reference to their religious and moral convictions, and even in opposition to them, as for example where laws are enforced limiting the right to conscientious objection on the part of health care or legal professionals.

"In this context, one can only be gratified by the adoption by the Council of Europe last October of a resolution protecting the right to conscientious objection on the part of medical personnel vis-a-vis certain acts which gravely violate the right to life, such as abortion.

"Another sign of the marginalisation of religion, and of Christianity in particular, is the banning of religious feasts and symbols from civic life under the guise of respect for the members of other religions or those who are not believers. By acting in this way, not only is the right of believers to the public expression of their faith restricted, but an attack is made on the cultural roots which nourish the profound identity and social cohesion of many nations. Last year, a number of European countries supported the appeal lodged by the Italian government in the well-known case involving the display of the crucifix in public places. I am grateful to the authorities of those nations, as well as to all those who became involved in the issue, episcopates, civil and religious organisations and associations, particularly the Patriarchate of Moscow and the other representatives of the Orthodox hierarchy, as well as to all those - believers and non-believers alike - who wished to show their sympathy for this symbol, which bespeaks universal values.

"Acknowledging religious freedom also means ensuring that religious communities can operate freely in society through initiatives in the social, charitable or educational sectors. Throughout the world, one can see the fruitful work accomplished by the Catholic Church in these areas. It is troubling that this service which religious communities render to society as a whole, particularly through the education of young people, is compromised or hampered by legislative proposals which risk creating a sort of State monopoly in the schools; this can be seen, for example, in certain countries in Latin America. Now that many of those countries are celebrating the second centenary of their independence - a fitting time for remembering the contribution made by the Catholic Church to the development of their national identity - I exhort all governments to promote educational systems respectful of the primordial right of families to make decisions about the education of their children, systems inspired by the principle of subsidiarity which is basic to the organisation of a just society.

"Continuing my reflection, I cannot remain silent about another attack on the religious freedom of families in certain European countries which mandate obligatory participation in courses of sexual or civic education which allegedly convey a neutral conception of the person and of life, yet in fact reflect an anthropology opposed to faith and to right reason".

"On this solemn occasion, allow me to state clearly several principles which inspire the Holy See, together with the whole Catholic Church, in its activity within the intergovernmental international organisations for the promotion of full respect for the religious freedom of all. First, the conviction that one cannot create a sort of scale of degrees of religious intolerance. Unfortunately, such an attitude is frequently found, and it is precisely acts of discrimination against Christians which are considered less grave and less worthy of attention on the part of governments and public opinion. At the same time, there is a need to reject the dangerous notion of a conflict between the right to religious freedom and other human rights, thus disregarding or denying the central role of respect for religious freedom in the defence and protection of fundamental human dignity. Even less justifiable are attempts to counter the right of religious freedom with other alleged new rights which, while actively promoted by certain sectors of society and inserted in national legislation or in international directives, are nonetheless merely the expression of selfish desires lacking a foundation in authentic human nature. Finally, it seems unnecessary to point out that an abstract proclamation of religious freedom is insufficient: this fundamental rule of social life must find application and respect at every level and in all areas".

"Promoting the full religious freedom of Catholic communities is also the aim of the Holy See in signing Concordats and other agreements. I am gratified that States in different parts of the world, and of different religious, cultural and juridical traditions, choose international conventions as a means of organising relations between the political community and the Catholic Church, thus establishing through dialogue a framework of co-operation and respect for reciprocal areas of competence. Last year witnessed the signing and implementation of an agreement for the religious assistance of the Catholic faithful in the armed forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and negotiations are presently under way with different countries. We trust that they will have a positive outcome, ensuring solutions respectful of the nature and freedom of the Church for the good of society as a whole.

"The activity of the papal representatives accredited to States and international organisations is likewise at the service of religious freedom. I would like to point out with satisfaction that the Vietnamese authorities have accepted my appointment of a representative who will express the solicitude of the Successor of Peter by visiting the beloved Catholic community of that country. I would also like to mention that in the past year the diplomatic presence of the Holy See was expanded in Africa, since a stable presence is now assured in three countries without a resident nuncio. God willing, I will once more travel to that continent, to Benin next November, in order to consign the Apostolic Exhortation which will gather the fruits of the labours of the second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops".

"I would like once more to state forcefully that religion does not represent a problem for society, that it is not a source of discord or conflict. I would repeat that the Church seeks no privileges, nor does she seek to intervene in areas unrelated to her mission, but simply to exercise the latter with freedom. I invite everyone to acknowledge the great lesson of history: 'How can anyone deny the contribution of the world's great religions to the development of civilisation? The sincere search for God has led to greater respect for human dignity. Christian communities, with their patrimony of values and principles, have contributed much to making individuals and peoples aware of their identity and their dignity, the establishment of democratic institutions and the recognition of human rights and their corresponding duties. Today too, in an increasingly globalised society, Christians are called, not only through their responsible involvement in civic, economic and political life but also through the witness of their charity and faith, to offer a valuable contribution to the laborious and stimulating pursuit of justice, integral human development and the right ordering of human affairs'.

A clear example of this was Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta: the centenary of her birth was celebrated at Tirana, Skopje and Pristina as well as in India, and a moving homage was paid to her not only by the Church but also by civil authorities and religious leaders, to say nothing of people of all religions. People like her show the world the extent to which the commitment born of faith is beneficial to society as a whole.

"May no human society willingly deprive itself of the essential contribution of religious persons and communities! ... For this reason, as we exchange good wishes for a new year rich in concord and genuine progress, I exhort everyone, political and religious leaders and persons of every walk of life, to set out with determination on the path leading to authentic and lasting peace, a path which passes through respect for the right to religious freedom in all its fullness".
CD/ VIS 20110110 (2500)

You can find more information at:

The news items contained in the Vatican Information Service may be used, in part or in their entirety, by quoting the source:
V.I.S. -Vatican Information Service.
Copyright © Vatican Information Service 00120 Vatican City

Sunday, January 09, 2011

New Faith of the Fathers Poll

Who has had the most influence on your faith?
Both Parents
Other Relative or Friend
Religious (Sister, Friar, etc.)
The Holy Father free polls

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Saint of the Day for January 8

Today, while making my rounds around the internet, I happened across 3 different Catholic sites (I won't say what sites) that have incorrectly identified today's saint as being Saint Apollinaris, bishop of Ravenna. His feast or memorial day is actually on July 23.

The saint for today is Saint Apollinaris of Hierapolis. His feast day is January 8. His short biography appears on “Saints of the Faith”.

For an accurate calendar of memorial and feast days of the saints, there are two reliable online sources with which I am familiar. The first is from the late Father John Hardon's “Modern Catholic Dictionary”, and the second is at “The Patron Saints Index”.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Saint Quote of the Day Poll!

Two days are left to vote on the Saint Quote of the Day poll "Who are your favorite saint quotations from?" The choices to vote for are:

Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Saint Francis de Sales
Saint John Vianney
Saint Teresa of Avila
Saint Therese of Lisieux
Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Thomas Acquinas
My patron saint (Name in the poll comments)
I like them all

Click the link below to vote in the poll located on the right sidebar.

Saint Quote of the Day Poll!

Monday, January 03, 2011

Winner Announced for 2010 CINO Awards

The winner of the 2010 CINO (Catholic In Name Only) Awards have been announced at Serviam. The nominees for 2010 were:

Nancy Pelosi
Doug Kmeic
Joe Biden
National Catholic Reporter
America Magazine 

Go on over to Serviam to see how your candidate fared!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

You Might Want To Take This Quiz Just For Fun

So, here I was, just minding my own business. Making sure that all the blogs listed under "My Favorite Catholic Blogs" are working properly.

I clicked the link for "The Way of the Fathers" and patiently waited for the page to load. I noticed something at the top of their sidebar that I had somehow missed before. It is a link for a quiz on their blog. The quiz is "Which Church Father Are You?"

Now I am someone who loves the Church Fathers and I read quite a bit of their writings when I can. I could not resist taking this quiz, and got the following result:

You’re St. Melito of Sardis!
You have a great love of history and liturgy. You’re attached to the traditions of the ancients, yet you recognize that the old world — great as it was — is passing away. You are loyal to the customs of your family, though you do not hesitate to call family members to account for their sins.

I am not going to tell you what my answers were except for the first one. The question was "When you hear the co-worker in the next cubicle utter heresy, you instinctively…" I chose "b"..."hit him with a mallet and then question his masculinity".

I suppose I chose that because of something a former contributor...Marie in fact... once said to me. She said "Steve, when you believe strongly in something, you don't try to whitewash it, or beat around the bush. You hit them right between the eyes with a hammer, and more or less say, 'this is the way it is, take it or leave it'." Which is true when it comes to the Church. You either follow the Magisterium and teachings of the Church and the Holy Father or you don't. In my opinion there is no "middle road". 

The middle road is for CINO's.

If you'd like some information on Saint Melito of Sardis, just click on his name for a post I wrote about him on "The Early Church Fathers" back in December of 2005.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vigil of the Nativity or Christmas Eve

O Christian, for the love of Christ, and for thine own salvation, occupy thy mind, during this holy night, with holy thoughts and aspirations, in order to make thyself worthy of all the graces which Christ will grant thee on His coming. Consider how St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary, in obedience to the edict of Caesar, and in perfect submission to the will of God, went to Bethlehem, and, finding no room there, at last entered an open stable, where they were content to stay. Does not the Son of God deserve all our love when He thus humbled Himself for us? Tender Him your heart as an abode, in the following.

Prayer of the Church.

O God, Who givest us joy by the annual expectation of our
redemption, grant that we may securely see Him coming as our
Judge Whom we joyfully receive as our Redeemer, Our Lord
Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who livest and reignest with Thee for
ever. Amen.

--Goffine's Devout Instructions