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Thursday, February 23, 2012

A New Book On The Life of Cardinal John Henry Newman

Tan Books will soon be releasing a new book on the life of Cardinal John Henry Newman entitled, “Passion for Truth: The Life of John Henry Newman”.

This biography of John Henry Newman is written by Father Juan R. Vélez, a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei who resides in San Francisco, California. Father Vélez received a doctorate in dogmatic theology from the University of Navarre, where he completed his doctoral thesis on John Henry Newman. Before his ordination to the priesthood, Father Vélez also received a medical degree from the University of Navarre, and he was previously board certified in internal medicine.

Father Vélez's interest in the life of Cardinal John Henry Newman began with his doctoral studies under Professor José Morales. Father Vélez is author of a number of academic articles on Cardinal Newman, and co-edited a short anthology of texts entitled “Take Five, Meditations on John Henry Newman”.

Below is a portion of the information about this book from Tan Books website:

"In Passion for Truth, author and scholar Fr. Juan R. Vélez painstakingly uncovers the life and work of Blessed John Henry Newman. In the story of his early years, his family upbringing and university education, and through his vast correspondence with family, friends, and colleagues, Vélez acquaints us with Newman, the loyal friend, profound thinker, prolific writer, and holy priest. A true Catholic gentleman, who can be admired and loved by all who love the Truth."

The publication date for “Passion for Truth The Life of John Henry Newman” By: Fr. Juan R. Vélez is March 2012, and the book can be pre-ordered from Tan Books by clicking here.

You may also want to visit the website for the book by clicking here.

Vote FOR Marriage - 2 - Bishop Burbidge

Second in a series of videos by the Bishops of North Carolina explaining the position of the Catholic Church in support FOR the marriage amendment. Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Diocese of Raleigh explains four important points of Church Teaching about marriage. He also urges all North Carolinians to vote FOR Marriage on May 8, 2012.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Evangelicals, Southern Baptists rip HHS mandate : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

The Family Research Council has announced that 2,500 pastors and other evangelical leaders have signed a letter condemning the Obama administration’s contraception mandate.

Click below to read more:

Evangelicals, Southern Baptists rip HHS mandate : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I want to thank all of the readers and followers of Faith of the Fathers blogs for your support the last couple of months.

Your purchases of Mystic Monk Coffee from these blogs have been a great help to the good Carmelite Monks of Wyoming, and to me also. The purchases you made allowed me to earn a commission, which enabled me to pay my power bill. As you may know, my work hours have been cut back, and your purchases allowed me to continue to have lights, heat, and water (as I am on a well).

Thank you also for your support through the other items and links on these blogs.

So, whether you are a subscriber to my blog pages, follow the blogs from Facebook or from Twitter... no matter how you come to Faith of the Fathers blogs, thank you very much!

May God Bless you and Our Lady keep you in her care!

Your brother in Christ,

Steve Smith