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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

New Thanksgiving Blend 2012 From Mystic Monk Coffee

The Carmelite Monks of Wyoming have a brand new Mystic Monk Coffee blend available only for a short time. The new blend is appropriately called Thanksgiving Blend 2012.

The Mystic Monk Cofee website gives the following description of the new blend:

"A careful selection of beans from 3 different continents, all roasted to their optimal degree, makes the 2012 Thanksgiving Blend one of the finest coffees we've ever offered!  The deep vanilla and chocolate tones shimmer in the velvety smoothness of the full-bodied roast.

Bold enough to shine with cream and sugar, yet refined enough to be enjoyed black, the Thanksgiving Blend is destined to be one of your favorite coffees."

So be sure to get your Thanksgiving Blend before it's all gone!


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